Fueling the Future: How Houston's Young Professionals and Entrepreneurs are Shaping Tomorrow's Business Landscape
The greater Houston region is fueled by a thriving workforce comprised of skilled professionals and aspiring entrepreneurs. 在美国排名前10位.S. 吸引千禧一代,留住大学毕业生, 该地区是年轻人才蓬勃发展的中心.
正因为如此, companies and organizations have prioritized a regional focus on developing tomorrow’s workforce by educating young people on emerging industries and re-training mid-career professionals for high-demand careers through college, 大学和技术课程. 其结果是一个强大的基础,崭露头角的年轻领导人准备塑造Hga010皇冠软件下载地区的未来.
The Greater Houston Partnership’s Houston Young Professionals and Entrepreneurs (HYPE) leadership development program is dedicated to supporting emerging leaders with the skills and insights that will enhance their potential.
We spoke to several HYPE members to gain some insight on the challenges young professionals face and the future of business in our community.
在你看来, 今天休斯敦的年轻专业人士面临的最紧迫的领导力挑战是什么?
Elijah Defferari (Lummus Tech):培养真正属于你的领导风格非常重要. 流行媒体(TikTok)所写或所描绘的内容之间往往存在脱节, LinkedIn, 新的渠道或社交媒体)以及你的现实情况是什么. 这有助于远离社交媒体, 至少每隔一段时间, to really assess yourself as a person/leader in order to discover how you tend to lead without the bias and influence of social media "gurus" or coaches that do not know your individual leadership journey. 换句话说, 这对所有年轻的专业人士来说都是一个挑战, 除了休斯顿之外, 从Hga010皇冠软件下载在网上看到的海量数据中进行筛选,塑造Hga010皇冠软件下载自己的领导身份.
萨姆林惇, 埃森哲:在休斯顿, 在行业发生巨大变化的时代,年轻的专业人士正在步入领导角色. 随着这座城市从传统的石油根基转向科技和可再生皇冠HGA010官方下载, 新兴领导人面临着独特的挑战. 他们必须迅速掌握新技能, 在美国最多样化的劳动力中驾驭文化复杂性, 推动创新. 此外, 整合可持续实践构成了另一个重大障碍, 特别是在历史上依赖自然资源的行业. 尽管存在这些挑战,但增长和影响的机会是巨大的. 为那些准备好领导的人, 休斯敦提供了一个充满活力的舞台来影响未来的商业和推动变革.
“如今,有效的领导需要多种适应能力, 文化敏感性, 还有一种前瞻性的方法,林惇说。.
弗朗西斯卡索萨, Inventure:直到几年前,我才真正有了一个正式的导师,这是我职业生涯的转变. 在我职业生涯的3年里,我只是专注于下一步是什么,这样我就能升职. 我的想法一直是“你必须擅长每件事,并尽一切努力展示自己的能力”。. This only hindered me because I would bite more than I could chew and it would result in poor work product or extreme levels of stress. 我也试图成为另一个我不是的人. At some point someone that was working on one of our large projects left the company and I requested to take over her role. This made me the teammate of someone I had not worked with before and it was the best decision I ever made. 她把我放在她的羽翼下,帮助我在专业和个人方面成长. 她成了我无论如何都可以倾诉的人. 她成了我需要的正式导师,帮我找到方向. 由于她的指导,我得到了提升. 我还发现自己对工作与生活的平衡更满意了.
你如何看待休斯顿商界在未来十年的发展, 您认为年轻的专业人士和企业家有什么机会?
肖爱德考克, 大休斯顿合作伙伴关系:休斯顿的商业生态系统正在以许多令人兴奋的方式发展, 创新是Hga010皇冠软件下载未来成功的核心. Young professionals and entrepreneurs have the chance to make lasting impact in some of the most important industries and movements here in Houston. 春天这里的创新理念将提供丰富的参与机会, 并在这个过程中改变世界.
“航空航天等核心行业, 皇冠HGA010官方下载和生命科学都处于重大突破和积极变化的边缘,阿德科克说。.
Whether you're a young professional looking to expand your network or a budding entrepreneur seeking mentorship and support, HYPE提供发展经验,帮助员工在休斯敦的工作中取得成功. 加入HYPE,获得一个由志同道合的专业人士组成的多元化网络, 互斥事件, 以及旨在激励下一代休斯敦商业领袖的宝贵资源.